Thursday, December 07, 2006

Two's a Charm

Well good news all, two of my favourite artists are on the way to Adelaide and the concerts follow on from each other. That's right one concert is the day after the first one.

Who am I talking about?

Dave Matthews Band and John Mayer.

I know some of you other boys are interested so make sure you get tickets

Mayer goes on sale tomorrow so I'll be up early.

What an awesome two days its going to be.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Star Wars Kid

Found this video on the net, pretty funny stuff.

I would definately hate to be the this guy seeing the whole world can watch this hahaha.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Your prize a Robot Butler

I went out and bought a PS2 on the weekend and I am very glad I did.

It is at a bargain price at the moment and when it comes to games of entertainment you just can't go past it. Yes thats right it is better than the x box and the x box 360 in terms of the games that I like to call party games.

These include the two games I got with it, Buzz the music quiz, and Singstar Legends. Lets just say that when it comes to games you want to play while pissed off your nut the PS2 is the way to go.

Now I'm not saying that it is better than my much loved x box 360 cos lets face it, nothing Sony has or ever will put out will match the box. However Sony are very clever in their game development and as far as these types of games go, they rule the competition. I mean microsft hasn't even tried to release anything like it for their console which is really a shame.

As I previously mentioned I got Buzz the music quiz and singstar legends with the playstation and they are great games to play with some mates. I'll have to get the newly released Buzz game based around Australian sporting, that would be wicked.

There is also the guitar hero game which looks like it could be a bit of fun as well.

The only other advantage for the PS2 is that there are heaps of games for it and they are all super cheap. Some titles I'm considering are Simpsons Hit and Run and GT4 which are around 20 bucks. What bargains.

So let me know if your up for playing some buzz and singstar during the holidays cos it is great fun.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Elevate me

A day late at best however after waiting over a year for the concert I'm sure you won't mind too much.

Lets just say that U2 rocked my world on thursday night and it was well worth all the waiting, dehydration, and sunburn that was inflicted on me.

I'm not going to get into to much detail considering wagga has explained most of it, however I will say this, the set list was awesome (see wagga's blog for the full list) and to be within 2 metres of bono and the edge playing songs such as new years day and where the streets have no name was an experience I will never forget.

Of course the highlight for me was my favourite song Sunday Bloody Sunday. That was just too awesome to even describe.

Like wagga I too rated this concert as close to one of the best I have ever been too, however to pick between Coldplay and U2 is just impossible.

The newspapers have been saying however that the atmosphere at AAMI on thursday night was lacking. To that all I can say is you were in the wrong spot for the concert. The Pit was the place to be and believe me we were making enough noise to not notice that the people seated weren't getting into the experience. All I can say to them is that you missed out on getting involved in something great.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Gambling is the devils game

The nation stopped yesterday for the running of the annual Melbourne Cup, the biggest racing event in Australia.

Many people made their way to the local TAB to place a bet on the big race, so many people in fact that there was a record figure for the big race. Around 8 and a half million dollars was bet by Australians on the race.

I put in my effort betting 20 dollars, 10 each way.

I paid for this by losing it all, along with thousands of other Australians.

Most people bet on the favourite Torqueet which in the end only beat the horse I bet on by one place. I bet on On a Journe which is the horse that came runner up to the Diva last year. This year it managed to come in 20th. Stupid fucking horse.

The winning horse was never mentioned to win the Cup and yet it surprised us all. Delta Blues won the cup with the late favourite Pop Rock coming in second. It just goes to show that the favourites don't always come good.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

U2 have touched down in Aussie land.

That's right people.

The U2 concert is 2 weeks away from today and let me just say that it has been a long time coming since their cancelation earlier in the year.

Their tour starts next week so in the mean time Bono and Company will be relaxing in the Aussie climate. Bono is also set to meet our great bald leader, John Howard, to discuss what Bono loves best, saving the world from hunger, destruction, and of course poverty. Now that's an interview I'd like to see.

I look forward to the concert in a couple of weeks time.

Work is good at the moment. Basically I get paid 21.50 an hour to look after a bunch of kids. It's amazing what a qualification can get you.

My job also involves me planning week to week for the older kids which is kind of a pain in the arse but I do get paid extra to do it.

My spare time is used up a bit at the moment by learning new songs on the guitar. At the moment I can play a few different songs however I am yet to master them. It did however only take me a few hours to nail the start of stairway to heaven.

Well I better get back to practicing if I'm to release a Christmas Album by the end of the year.

Monday, October 30, 2006

ARIA Action

So in case you missed it last night here's who won what at the ARIA's last night.

Best Breakthrough Album - Wolfmother

Best Breakthrough Single - Youth Group

Best Urban Release - Hilltop Hoods

Best Pop Release - The Veronicas

Best Independent Release - Hilltop Hoods

Best Rock Album - Wolfmother

Best Adult Contemporary - Bob Evens

Best Music DVD - Eskimo Joe

Best Dance Release - TV Rock feat. Seany B

Highest Selling Album - Human Nature

Best Group - Wolfmother

Best Children's Album - The Wiggles

Best Comedy Release - Lano and Woodley

Best Blues and Roots Album - The Audreys

Best Female Artist - Clare Bowditch

Best Male Artist - Bernard Fanning

Single of the Year - Eskimo Joe

Album of the Year - Bernard Fanning

Good on Bernard Fanning for picking up the Album of the year ARIA, very well deserved. Can't wait to hear him back with Powderfinger again next year.

And Wolfmother winning 3 ARIA's, that is awesome too.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Let's Jazz it up a bit

Following the lead of Lucas I have jazzed up the site a bit more adding some colour and life to the blog. I have however kept the same template so I might rework that at some stage as well.

All these changes have been made easy since I upgraded to Beta Blogger cos it makes it easy to add stuff and change fonts and colours.

I haven't got the view of Florida on mine yet but to keep up with Lucas I'll have to work something out. Also instead of using hot pink I used bright green, eh I think it looks good.

Playing indoor tonight after last weeks bye and with Timmy out with an ankle injury we might struggle. I'll be sure to post the results.

A quick thought

Last night I saw an advertisement on T.V for the new season of the O.C, Yay can't wait for that to come on. They also said that this new fourth season would be shown at the same time here as it is in the USA. This claim was made by channel 10.

Now I ask myself, why the Fuck they can't do the same thing for the new season of House. Last week was the season finale of House, and yet in the USA they are already 5 episodes or so into the new season.

Stop fucking me around channel 10, I really hate you sometimes.

Monday, October 23, 2006

You are a bunch of sick fucking people.

An Email I recieved from my cousin today gives a warning to watch out for sick individuals.

What a world we live in. A few weeks ago in a movie theatre in Melbourne a person sat on
something that was poking out of one of the seats. When she got up to see what it was she found a needle sticking out of the seat with a note attached saying a quote; You have just been infected by HIV quote;.

The Disease control Centre in Melbourne reports many similar incidents have occurred in many other Australian cities recently. All tested needles are HIV Positive. The Centre also reports that needles have been found in the cash dispensers in ATMs.

We ask everyone to use extreme caution when faced with this kind of situation. All public chairs/seats should be inspected with vigilance and caution before use. 17 people have been tested positive in the Western suburbs alone in the last 2 months!!! A careful visual inspection should be enough.

In addition they ask that each of you pass this message along to all members of your family and your friends of the potential danger. We all have to be careful at public places!

What kind of a person would willingly do this to another human being. All I can say is that I am disguisted by this.

Life as we know it doesn't exist.......Explain?

Saturday night was huge.

Three 21st birthday's to go to followed by a night on the town. I haven't been out til 4am let alone town for awhile now.

Starting off at Daws and catching up with him for awhile we then moved on to Nordys party at the Goodwood Hotel. From there it was on to Tristan's at the Hyde Park. All the parties were great so thanks for all you guys for putting them on.

From there we hit the town meeting up with Daw again at the Union Pub on Wakefield street. Hadn't been there before and it is quite a nice place to go and have a few drinks.

Then it was time to hit it hard. Sean Sam and I went to HQ. This was my first time at the refurnished Heaven and it looks pretty good. I especially enjoyed the music and it was really good to get out on the dance floor at a club (oh how I've missed it). The main floor was awesome playing a variety of current hits as well as the golden oldies.

All in all it was a great Saturday night out.

Sunday I went to the movies with the misses. We went to see Children of Men which I thought was really good. Basically the human race has gone to shit since they aren't able make babies anymore due to some epidemic. The only country still stable is England and they are getting all the imigrants from every where else. One chick gets pregnant and they try to get her to some centre known as the Human Project. It is an awesome look into what I think is an inevitable future for the human race (although I don't think that we will have a problem making babies). Michael Caine is great in it. He plays an old hippy who grows weed in his house and is stoned pretty much all the time. Great stuff.

Anyway thats all for now, let's see what I get up to this weekend without a 21st to go to.

Monday, October 16, 2006

John Mayer! Meet Ben Hillier

The weekend was good.

Thanks to Nicola for a great 21st party, I think it was enjoyed by all.

I got up to quite a bit, the main highlight of the weekend was the purchase (by me) of a guitar. Yes thats right I am going to teach myself guitar. I must say that after a few days of practicing and just playing around I am starting to get the hang of things. I am sure I will be playing like a pro in no time.

I also purchased a new game for the x box 360 called Ninety Nine Nights. Basically a thrash em up RPG with awesome graphics and shit loads of enemies to slaughter. Lots of fun. I'm sure you'll enjoy this one lucas.

I also went to the movies with Hails yesterday to see the new release The Departed. Quite a good movie with the like's of Matt Damon, Jack Nickleson and Leonardo DeCaprio. Awesome story about two rats, one infiltrating the mob and the other infiltrating the cops.

Anyway thats all for now, below is a picture of my new pride and joy, what do you think Lucas, not bad for a couple of hundred bucks.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Arrogance in children's movies.

What a week. Working 7 hours a day looking after children is quite an easy job, just as long as they aren't pissing you off.

All I can say is that my fortnightly pay will be huge next week.

I also finally got my documents from Tafe to give to my employer, so now I can start getting paid some good money, 20 bucks an hour ain't bad.

One thing children enjoy while spending hours at Vacation care is a good movie, and let's just say I've watched my yearly talley of children's movies.

I did however notice Hugh Laurie in one of them. Yeah thats right the man himself House in a children's movie.

Now it wasn't Hugh Laurie as the loveable and nice Dad in the movie Stuart Little, no, Hugh Laurie has a completely new character in a children's movie as the english criminal in the life version of A hundred and One Dalamations.

Putting him beside a stupid side kick with Hugh as the not so intelligent brains of the two we all know the sort of slap stick comedy this due would put together.

So I am now on a mission to find other films that Mr Laurie has appeared in.

Next week should be good with the kid's with excursions to the movies to see Garfield 2 and a trip to the Zoo (haven't been in awhile).

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Just in case you thought I bailed Hails?

Today I worked the first day of Vacation Care for the school holidays. It was pretty good. We took the kids to a gymnastics place where they could bounce on trampolines, and walk on parallel bars and such. The best part was the huge foam trench which the kids could jump into, lot's of fun.

Haven't really been doing much. I must at this point however talk about the existence of my girlfriend who pointed out to me that she hadn't had a mention in my blog for some time. Here you go sweety, lap up the fame and glory while you've got the opportunity.

Just messing with ya.

We did however celebrate our 1 year anniversary a couple of weeks back, which I failed to mention in an earlier post.


We only went to the movies, gold class for something special, no big deal.

It is funny that a year has gone by though. Time really does fly. To think I have been in a relationship for a whole year now, who would have thought, this being my only real long term girlfriend (I admit I had some imaginary ones there for a period around year 11 and 12). So now the new challenge starts, not to piss off hails too much so that we might make it to 2 years.

Oh now while we are on the topic of hails, thought I'd let those of you who don't know that she has got a job for next year working at Ashford hospital. Good on ya. She also tells me that she will be moving out early next year so I will have a place to go when I'm not in the Den of Ben.

Well finally a post about my girlfriend, she will be so pleased with me. I look forward to doing it again.........

In a year or so.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Don't get around much anymore.

So where have I been for these past 2 and a half weeks you may be asking.

If I told you that I had been on a world tour, it would be a lie.

If I said I had been feeding the starving children in africa and haven't had anytime to myself let alone post on my blog, that would also be a lie.

To tell you the truth I haven't really been doing much over the past few weeks. My life consists of me working every night from about 3 til 6 and my days are spent playing my much beloved Nintendo DS and X box, and watching some DVD's I have recently bought. These include some music DVD's from Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin, and the first two seasons of the OC, (Yeah the good seasons before the let down of season 3 which has recently been released).

Last week I put in my application to Uni, Oh God no, what have I done?

Let's just hope that I get into some sort of teaching course or heaven help the person I turn into. Yeah thats right, the shit will really hit the fan.

Work is really good though, I mean who can say that they get paid to play soccer and other games with kids. It's just not right, but I get paid good money for it. The only down side are the hours but you get used to them after awhile and its not like I have anything better to do.

Oh and for those of you who are wondering why I am not out at HQ tonight for time warp, I have a bit of a head cold and my hayfever is driving me nuts. Also I'm a bit over the whole time warp thing.

Well I'll post again soon I promise.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Bonetimber back in winning form

Last night was extremely exhausting however well worth the effort.

We played two games of indoor soccer one after the other and to my surprise we managed to win both games.

The first game against a mediocre C grade team was a blitz with Nordy scoring 6 goals (4 of which came within about 8 miniutes). The second team we played known as the Cheeky Buggers made up of some of the boys from Mercedes was a harder match however we managed to beat them 6-5.

I also scored a goal in our first match taking my seasons total to a nice hat trick of 3. Yay for me.

After winning our first game and the second one not counting towards anything we should now move up into the top 4 on the table and are looking good to play in the finals in a couple of weeks. All we need to do is make sure we don't lose next week and we should be set.

In other news Dales party is tomorrow night. Looking forward to sitting in the Bradman room at the Adelaide oval and having a good night with the boys.

Also looking forward to Franny's 21st on Sunday arvo.

Good times ahead people, see you all there.

Monday, September 04, 2006

A weekend not to forget

My weekend was quite eventful along with everyone elses I think.

I started off spending saturday finishing off sammys speech with sean and getting him the speakers for his car.

Sam's 21st in itself was a great night, even if I was shitting myself for half the night over the speeches. I think we did a good job and I don't think I stuffed up too many times (we'll have to sit down and watch the video footage at a later date to be entirely sure). I do agree with nick however in saying that Daws poem was a highlight.

It was then time to hit the dance floor which sammy had created. I must admit it was damn good and to the people who left to go into town (Dutchy), you really are stupid. Why would you go to a club in town when you could blatantly stay at a mates house with your own personal one. The smoke filled room did add to the atmosphere with Ben pumping the room full of smoke.

The night went long and hard and I ended up leaving at around 4am.

Sunday was also an eventful day. After sleeping in hails came around and dragged me to the show for a few hours. I do enjoy the show however if you are going to go you may as well go for the day and get your moneys worth.

We only went on one ride (mainly because I couldn't justify spending 8 bucks on a 5 minute ride which hirled you around in circles only to have you throw up), and the ride we went on pretty much did that, except for the throwing up part.

I spent way too much money however. Mainly on the charlesworth nuts showbags cos they kick arse and are actually good value for money. I also did a few sideshows winning stuffed toys, and I also bought some cool Liverpool merchandise.

Highlight of the show was however in the main arena where we witnessed bobcat ballet. Yeah that's right, four guys in four bobcats doing sincronized dancing. Well worth seeing.

All in all a good weekend. Let's just see if Dale and Francesca can top it this weekend, looking forward to it guys.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Here's Sammy

Tomorrow night I am finally looking forward to someone elses 21st.

A place, unlike my own, where I have to do absolutely nothing except enjoy myself.

The speech is well on the way, just gottas finish it off tomorrow, and the presents are all organised and ready to be wrapped.

I would at this point like to apologise to sam for the wrapping of the presents that he is going to recieve tomorrow. What can I say, I'm a guy.

Work is really starting to take off at the moment and I am working most afternoons. Today was a good earning thanks to the schools showday. Basically we had Vat care for the day and I got a good 6 hour shift. We got the kids to make up their own sideshow alley and we got a kick arse superman bouncy castle in. The kids seemed to enjoy it, unfortunately I was not allowed on it, age limit was 13, though with the way I look I could have gotten away with it.

Today I also picked up my suit.

A nice brown pinstrip, it looks sick.

Well I'll see you all tomorrow night for some good times.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Again sorry I haven't been posting

I am not really doing that much though.

Went to St Pauls on Saturday night which was good fun for all involved, saw Foxy (yeah), and Mr timothy went off. Good night all round.

Another quick note involving sam's B'day, everyone involved owes me some money and we still need to come up with another idea.

Speeches are also important, lets get it done people. Look like its me, sean, nick and daw saying a few words so lets bring it together.

I feel very confident in talking about sams stuff on this blog cos I know he doesn't read it, however if you are sam, forget everything you just read.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile

I've been busy

But not much has been happening in my life other than working.

Went to Pauls on Saturday night, drank beer and ate lamb on a spit, cheers for the party man.

I made some purchases with my vouchers the other day.

In true patriotic style I bought myself a liverpool scarf just in time for the new Premier League season, its really cool.

I also bought a CD that I have been wanting for awhile and let me just say that I think it is one of the best CD's I have ever bought.

Thats right Lucas, I bought the new Something for Kate CD, Desert Lights. Sounds really good, favourite song would have to be Down the Garden Path.

I really wish I had gone to one of the concerts they previously had here.

Now on to something new. Over the weekend I watched a heap of movies as I also bought some with my vouchers and it made me think of my favourites of all time.

So here it is Ceppys top 10 movies of all time

10. Trainspotting
Stars Ewan McGregor as a Heroin addict and his flawed attempts to give it up, interesting look into the life of a drug junkie and the relationships he is able or unable to have. Choose Life.

9. Baseketball
Okay who can't love this movie. From the creators of Southpark, two no good losers create a game which they play in their driveway which quickly becomes a national obsession and throws them into fame and fortune. Very funny movie which still has me on the floor laughing. Little bitch and laying carpet.

8. The Matrix
Again another great movie set now and in the near future. Cool idea of life the world and the unusual meaning to life and existance. Awesome fighting and action scenes with non stop action. Mr Anderson.

7. Anchorman - The legend of Ron Burgundy
Another clever comedy from Will Ferrell who plays the role of Ron Burgundy the best Television Anchorman in San Diego. Shows his competition with the new anchorwoman, his demise, followed by his big return. San Diego - a whale's vagina.

6. The Silence of the Lambs
Excellent master piece featuring one of my favourite actors Sir Anthony Hopkins. Follows the path of a psychopath known as Buffalo Bill who is kidnapping and murdering young women. Clarice Sterling is the FBI agent on the case and seeks the help of another psychopath known as Hannibal 'the Cannibal' Lector who is behind bars. Lector agrees to help Clarice only if she feeds his curiosity of her own life. A very good movie and a must see if you haven't already. Sffffffff-f-f-f-f, watch the movie then you'll get it, lucas knows what I'm on about.

5. The Great Escape
Had to have an oldie in here and what one could beat this. Set in a german prisoner of war camp in WW2 it follows a group of American and british soldiers who plan an escape from the camp. Based on a true story it features some well known actors. Do do, do doooo do-do-do, well you all know that song.

4. The Blues Brothers
Music and action have not been put together like this in any other movie that I've seen. A range of movie stars and musicians make appearances in this story of the Blues Brothers on a mission from god to put their bands back together to raise money to save the orphanage they were brought up in. Some of the best car chase scenes ever including what would have to be the most expensive and biggest car pile up scene the world has ever seen. Fun filled excitement from start to finish with great music from a great many artists. The Penguin.

3. Star Wars
The whole saga is great, I'm not going to go through them all with you but they are all good and is one of the most creative worlds I have ever seen. George Lucas, you the man. Lightsaber (do I have to say anything else).

2. Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
This was previously my number one. Good old English Humour in a hardend criminal world. Four mates lose in a high rolling poker match and have a week to pay up otherwise they get fucked by a number of bad people. Awesome street dialogue and a good look into London's seedy underworld. Could everybody stop getting shot.

1. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
I think this is a great movie, it doesn't do enough credit to the book, however I still think it does it justice. Basically the earth is demolished to leave way for a new hyperspace way and Arthur Dent is the one who survives by hitching a ride with his mate from another planet Ford Prefect. A wacky whirlwind unwinds and the meaning of life, the galaxy and everything is questioned. The answer is 42.

So there you have it. My top 10. I think it is pretty good so let me know what you think.

Bye for now.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Ben is a bit like Peter Pan (but not in the creepy Michael Jackson way, although he still plays with children.

Thanks for that description boys, I'm sure Nick came up with that (seems like your witty humour mate).

Well Saturday has come and gone and I have to say first up thanks to everyone who came and celebrated my 21st with me, and thanks for all the great pressies, they are all awesome.

I think the night was a great success and I am happy with the way it all panned out.

I really enjoyed the speeches, so much thanks to Sammy, Sean and especially Nick for those many witty comments (the speech read like it had your signature on it man). I am just glad that you guys got to say that I was a raging queer in front of all my friends and family (cheers guys).

I've got a heap of photos so I'll post a few of the more memorable ones up for you all to see.

Me and the Misses, Don't she look fine

My main boys Sammy and Sean (first to arrive)

More of the boys, Wagga, Daw and Nordy

Another happy snap with Hannah and Dale

Timmy and Andy

Opening some pressies, I wonder what it is

More present opening fun, whats sam so happy about

Nice Power Gersey lets get drunk

My brother the piss head, Amanda, and my cousin Emmy and boyfriend Andy

The Woolies boys

Mr Woolworths himself, Nidarling

Ahh, the much loved speeches, I think this is the part where Sam calls me a Raging Queer

The Hillier family

The cutting of the cake

Hey, Borgas makes an appearance

Ceppy breaking it down, pixie style

Sammy also breaking it down

Hailey stole the camera for awhile, CAMERA HOG

Daw and Sean getting it on

Check out the pressies, awesome.

So what did Benny get in total for his birthday, here's the list.
  • Ben Sherman Soccer Ball (got everyone to sign it on the night)
  • Alcohol dispenser for the bar
  • Eski
  • Pair of outdoor chairs
  • Metal Cocktail set
  • Poker set
  • Port Power Gersey
  • A Ripcurl watch
  • Another watch
  • Antique lolly dispenser with jelly beans (awesome present, thanks Fran)
  • 2 bottles of CC
  • 1, 1 litre bottle of CC (cheers boys)
  • Couple of bottles of Crownies (yeah the big ones)
  • Bottle of wine (thanks random UK chicks)
  • 35 dollar voucher for rebel sport
  • 75 dollar voucher for JB Hifi

And from my gorgeous girlfriend a cool sterling silver bracelet, awesome.

All this and its not even my birthday yet, so theres more to come.

Thanks again for everyone who came.

Looking forward to going to all yours, Sammy your next.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Moving on up, moving on down, moving on up, nothing can stop me, yeah!

Yesterday was my last day working at woolworths and I must say it was a bit surreal. Considering that woolwroths has been a big part of my life over a large proportion of my adult life it was kind of wierd walking out the door as an employee for the last time.

I'm not saying that I didn't want to leave because as most of you know I have been bitching about it pretty much since I started 4 and a half years ago, however the sense of purpose and security in my life for once seemed to be challenged.

Woolworths has provided me with the income to do and buy what I want and I always knew that I would have money. I have picked up other work at Mitcham OHSC so I will still be earning some money but it seems weird not to be getting money from woolies anymore.

The work was shit and the hours were crap, but at least it gave me a sense of security.

So I am moving on and I have a new purpose in life.

Having fun. That's right, finally I can enjoy myself due to the fact that I no longer have to work weekends. This means you'll be seeing a lot of me from now on.

Only 5 days to go til my 21st, look forward to seeing you all there.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006





Who's ready to party

Today is Wednesday.

That means that there is only 10 days to go until my 21st. Yeah

Today we are finally going to finish off the paving which has taken way too long and has given me much pain mainly in the lower back region.

I have also finished my slideshow and have put together a playlist.

On the topic of playlists I have gone with what suits me, commercial dance. I was originally going to have a bit of everything but when I got to putting the playlist together I found that I had a good 6 hours of dance music alone.

I would really like to hear some feedback from you guys on this matter.

I have also been looking at hiring a coulple of 300 watt speakers to pump the music out all night long, should be good.

Yesterday Ben was in the kitchen making his famous pinwheels which you will all no doubt have the pleasure of tasting on the night.

On a completely different topic my house recieved a call from none other than Josh Roach (my old music teacher) saying that he had some work for me. Don't know what is happening there but as soon as I know I'll let you guys in on it.

Well thats about all for now, look forward to seeing you in 10 days people, and make sure you bring your dancing shoes.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Best day of my life

Today I handed in my resignation for woolworths.

This means that I am only going to be subjected to two more weekends of their crap.

With that I would just like to say.


Well that feels much better.


Sunday, July 23, 2006

Customer grouch loves the trash

Yesterday was yet again another completely boring day at work. The main difference is that now that our backdock is out of service we have to take our loads at the front of the store and drag them out to the back dock, a process which is very, very annoying and time consuming. This will be happening for about a month and sucks the fat one, big time.

Due to this we also have to take our rubbish out into the carpark out the front to get rid of it. This is the setting for this little story of mine.

It was about 2 o'clock and a group of the woolies crew had to take a shitload of rubbish out to the bins. In this delightful stock of rubbish there was a variety of out of date meat and grocery items along with the general rubbish of the store.

So we are there putting rubbish in the bin when a lady with a stroller and her small child comes along and starts to look through the meat and other goods on one of the flat tops.

"Can I take some of these, you aren't just going to throw this all away, I'll take some meat to give to my dog."

Upon this our store manager for the day says to the lady that it is all out of date stock and that we have to throw it out, basically that no she can't take any of it because we can't just give people free stuff.

The lady begins to argue with the store manager (here starts the problem not that it hasn't already started).

The lady continues to go on about it asking why she can't have any of it, wha wha, whinge whinge.

She then proceeds to start taking things off the flat top, to which the store manager takes it back saying "I'm sorry we are not allowed to give away our stock, against store policy.

The lady continues to argue

Meanwhile the rest of us are laughing at the whole incident.

Eventually the lady gives up saying, "I'll just come back later when you aren't here", and walks off.

We all just smile and nod, knowing very well that the bins will be locked.

So there are a few things wrong here.

Let me get this straight first however.

Woolworths does indeed dump alot of stock some of which is still perfectly fine, I don't agree with them doing this however it is alot easier than handing it out to people. It is also against our store policies to give stock away for free (although the mark down policy does mean that we practically give stock away sometimes).

This lady wanted something for free and couldn't grasp the concept that we couldn't give it to her.

You are indeed a knob.

I would have liked to have been there when she went back only to find the bins locked, hahaha. Even if she did get them open the hilarity in her swimming through the piles of rubbish would again bring tears of laughter.

Why are some people so fucking stingey that they have to ask for free out of date stock? These people are the real tight arses of our community. The fact that she was wearing pearls and Armani says that you can afford to buy meat for your dogs.

All these rich people who frown upon us for wasting food when there are millions of people starving.

Here's an idea take out your own check book you rich fuck and donate some money to feed the starving children yourself. Oh no too hard, I need that money to pay for our butler, then don't fucking critise us you tight arses.

Also the fact that the meat is clearly off due to the fact that it is both out of date and hasn't been sitting in a fridge for 3 days would suggest to me that it isn't good for anyone, including your stupid fucking dogs.

What a complete bitch.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Time for another top ten on the charts

So considering the fact that I am a bum and that I am not really doing anything at the moment I have decided to do another post on Ceppy's top ten music hits at the moment.

Now I will say that there are a few from the Coldplay album and the fact that I saw them live also means that they are going to get a really good rating in this top 10.

So here it is

10. Bob Sinclair - World, Hold On

9. Eskimo Joe - Comfort You

8. John Mayer - Waiting on the world to change

7. Tomas Andersson - Washing up

6. Johnny Cash - Ring of fire

5. Coldplay - The Hardest part

4. Eskimo Joe - Black fingernails, Red wine

3. Freeform Five - No more conversations

2. Coldplay - Til Kingdom Come

1. Coldplay - A Message

So there you have it a good mix of dance, classics and modern rock.

In other news I went to the Casino on saturday night and won big on the pokies. 180 bucks won on a jackpot, yay for me. This will be spent at the Ed tonight.

Well thats all for now folks

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

21st preparation well on the way.

The turf is up, the slide show is done and the food is organised, well some of it anyway.

The 21st of the year is well on its way and it is going to be great.

For those of you who haven't got an invite yet they are coming, its probably because I haven't seen you. Some I will also have to send out in the mail.

Thursday dad and I plan on starting the paving for outback. This is going to be a very long process but it will look good in the end.

For those of you who don't know I have decided to screw the whole theme idea and have a casual get together. So put on some nice going out clothes and get ready to party cos its almost here.

Other than this nothing much has really been happening. I am a bum and I am loving it.

The 360 is my best friend at the moment (always will be).

Well this was a post for the sake of posting so I'll see you all soon.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Following on in the Coldplay Suit, I found this audio interview with Chris Martin on ABC's enough rope with Andrew Denton.


My life is complete, now that I've seen Coldplay.

Last night was indeed the highlight of my life.

Now that may say that I have led a pretty uneventful life so far, however I think it that what it really shows is how much I love Coldplay.

It was the best concert that I have ever been to and the set list was fucking fanatastic. Songs from all three albums were played including some of my favourites like poliltik (second song in), in my place, and lots from the new album. Highlights of the concert were definately yellow (third song in) where big yellow balloons fell down on to us which was awesome, clocks with the red lasers, Chris Martin running to the back of the entertainment centre and singing part of in my place at the back with the people in seats. One other highlight was Chris Martin explaining to us that the song
Til Kingdom come will be released as a hit to the winner of Big Brother, Coldplays musical talent and the good looks of the people on big brother make them unstoppable.

All I can say is that it was the best fucking concert I think I will ever see. Chris Marin live in person on stage is fucking fantastic. His antics alone could have entertained the crowds.

One of the best surprises was Coldplay covering a Johnny Cash Classic known as Ring of Fire. This was great.This song was done along with Til Kingdom Come and Trouble as a little acoustic bit up the front of stage. This was also a highlight.

The fact is that the whole concert was a highight for me and I doubt that I will ever go to a concert that will top it, unless of course I go to see Coldplay again.

Coldplay I can't wait for you to come again, and just let me say that if I found out that they were playing the same concert again tonight and were charging 500 a ticket I would still go.

Fucking awesome.

This is the picture printed on one of their tour shirts which I now own.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Blood rushing to my head

Well the day is almost here.

Wednesday will be a day that will long be remembered and is something I have been looking forward to for the past 12 months. Thats right my favourite band is coming to town, Coldplay.

It is going to be huge is all I can say.

In other news 21st preparation in well on the way. Other than me pulling up half our lawn yesterday I have got my photos ready which I need to scan at seans today and I am also starting on the invites (they will be out by the end of the week).

After all the debate on what theme to have I have thrown the whole idea out the window and decided to go with the casual dress approach. So put on your best casuals and definately your dancing shoes and lets have a party.

One thing that is going to take ages however will be me putting a playlist together and sorting through the best of my music, theres so much and I fear that even when I have filtered through it it will still be a couple of days long.

Well back to it.

Coldplay rocks

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Finished at last

I have officially past me diploma in children's services. This is fantastic and I am now going to be a bum. I had to come into tafe this morning to get my results and I passed with flying colours. I am now wasting time here until I meet up for lunch with the rest of the group.

It is quite a scary thought to think that I am a qualified childcare worker now, and for the next few months I plan on getting some work in OHSC and just enjoying life before I start my studies again at Uni.

My celebration for today will be to go buy a 360 game so that I have something to do with all my spare time.

Over the next few weeks I have got lots of planning to do for my 21st and a heap of work to get the backyard ready. This involves me and my dad extending our paved area out further. I also have to do invites for everyone and start putting things like the playlist together. I also need to find out how I can set up the music outdoors and where I can hire some good speakers (if anyone knows a place). I am also going to put a slide show together of a heap of photos which will take some time especially with the ones I have to scan at seans. I hope you boys are getting that speech ready even if you haven't got anything on me (yeah thats right lets see what you got).

I have got lots of free time now and I don't know what to do with myself besides from working, but I don't know how much of that I will get from OHSC. So if anyone ever wants to hang out, kick a soccer ball, go to a movie, or just generally hang out then I'm your man.

One thing that is definate however is that I will be getting my drivers liscenes. Yeah I know you don't believe me but I am even sick of not having it and it will make my life so much easier. This and the fact that I now have a car is good insentive to get it. Yeah thats right Ben has a car, the good old 1989 Holden Apollo otherwise known as a Toyota Camry. This is Ben's new machine and I'm getting it at a really good price due to the fact that it was my Nan and Pop's car. This also means that I know that it is in really good condition and has been looked after well.

Well thats all for now people, look forward to seeing you all around.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Tafe can suck my balls

Thats right

You heard it straight

I have just presented the huge project that I have been working on all term and have finished my last assignment for Tafe, EVER.

All that's left is for the lecturers to mark our work and I'll be a free man. All I can say is if I do not pass this for whatever reason,


I have had it, I am over Tafe, and I never want to go back there ever again.

So what lies ahead for Ben. Well, complete fuck all just about raps it up.

My plans were to go into hibernation for 6 months until I can start Uni however I soon realised that I am not a bear and no matter how hard I tried I probably couldn't sleep for 6 months straight, I'd get hungry.

I will however hopefully get a job at Mitcham OHSC and work there close to full time. This will mean I can quit Woolworths which has really given me the shits over the past few months and finally have my weekends to myself.

This also means that Ceppy the party machine will be out and about again. With all these 21st coming up its going to be great.

In relation to my 21st keep your eyes posted to this blog cos the details will be up soon. I will also send invites out.

Tomorrow is my last official day of Tafe if all goes to plan.

If things don't go to plan don't be surprised if you here about a 20 year old male on a killing spree on the news.

I mean it.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

478 boorish, insentives and socially obnoxious pointers for leading a simple, self-centered life.

Well not quite 478, but here are a few of them anyway. It's what the book told me to write. Some good ways to just plain old fuck people off.

1. Signal left, turn right.
2. Hire a devious accountant; it's like giving yourself a raise.
3. Give little kids clothes for their birthdays.
4. Borrow a book and dog ear the pages.
5. Remind people that their freckles could be cancerous.
6. Tailgate the elderly.
7. Blow out other people's birthday candles.
8. Dress 15 years younger.
9. Crack your knuckles.
10. Block the entrances of elevators, buses and subways.
11. Gamble with rent money.
12. Dream up special requests for waiters or waitresses.
13. Every umbrella is yours.
14. Improve your posture by walking with your nose in the air.
15. Answer a question with a question.
16. See what it takes to get the life guard to blow their whistle.
17. Serve corn on the cob to people with dentures or people in rest homes.
18. Stopping for red lights after midnight is always a waste of time.
19. See if you can be the first one off the plane even if you are sitting by the window.
20. Before exiting elevators push all the buttons.
21. Don't do anything until you've been asked twice.
22. Say like at the end of sentences, like.
23. Read over people's shoulders on the bus.
24. Revenge is sweet, get some.
25. When it says resevered parking , that means you.
26. Curse the umpire at a little league game.
27. Bribe kids, they are easy.
28. Get a back seat driver lesson.
29. Support the death penalty for parking violations.
30. Repeat yourself.
31. Repeat yourself.
32. Repeat yourself.
33. Tell teenagers how things were in your day.
34. Hand out business cards at funerals.
35. Pee in the swimming pool.
36. Wear golf shoes on newly polished wooden floors.
37. Take the biggest piece.
38. Forget the punch line, but don't let that stop you from telling jokes.
39. Race the old woman for the last bus seat.
40. Take forever to find your word in scrabble.
41. Walk tall, carry a big stick, and use it.
42. Install a siren in your car.
43. Take money from your kids piggy bank.
44. Walk very slowly and make sure nobody can get past you.
45. Tell little children the truth about Santa Claus.
46. Don't stand during hymes or anthems.
47. Live in a glass house and throw stones.
48. Play with fire.
49. Put pennies in the collection plate.
50. Make scary faces at babies.

There were heaps more but I couldn't be fucked, here's another one

Leave things un - finis...............

Monday, June 19, 2006

I took the Jung Test on Nick's blog and found that the results were quite accurate.

I am

ESFP - "Entertainer". Radiates attractive warmth and optimism. Smooth, witty, charming, clever. Fun to be with. Very generous. 8.5% of the total population.

Extroverted (E) 72.22% Introverted (I) 27.78%
Sensing (S) 54.05% Intuitive (N) 45.95%
Feeling (F) 55.56% Thinking (T) 44.44%
Perceiving (P) 52.78% Judging (J) 47.22%

I think this is an accurate description of me

I always wanted to be an entertainer

Thursday, June 15, 2006


It is not an easy thing to lose two of the most important people in your life in less than 6 months. However this is now a reality which I have to face in my life.

Most of you know that earlier in the year I lost my Pop to cancer, this was hard enough. Last week I lost my Nanna after she suffered a heart attack from which she never recovered.

Yesterday I attended her funeral, far too soon after seeing my Pop off.

I feel at ease in the fact however that they are once again together again, and that God didn't let them be apart for too long. In the Euology it was read that my Nan died from complications after a heart attack, but it could be said that she really died of a broken heart.

For some reason I thought that I would always find my Nanna's death harder to bear than my Pop's. However because it was so sudden and I didn't really get a chance to say goodbye I find myself in disbelief rather than mourning.

The reality has hit however.

I know that I will not see them again, and all I have now is precious memories of the love they showed for me.

My Nan was like a mother to me. After my mother died when I was aged 2 she stepped in and raised me and my brother. Although I don't really remember it very well I still created a closer than normal attatchment to my Nan which has lasted all my life. This I am very thankful for.

My Nanna was a good christian and loving person. You would not find a more caring person in the world. She gave me many of the values that I hold dear today and I am the better person for having known her let alone having her as my Nanna.

The reality of life is that we all need to die sometime. Nanna knew this and I beileve she was never afriad of it.

Still, I always thought that she was invincible and that she would never die. I was nieve to think that. But can you blame me?

Nan was the type of person who was interested in everything I ever did. If I went to a mates house for a sleep over I would get a call the next day asking how it was. Although it did become annoying at times, I think this is something that I will miss most.

I also fear that I may now starve. Nan was one of those people who force fed us everytime time we visited. It was only 3 weeks ago that I was at her house and she was constantly feeding me food. I loved that about her.

My one regret would be that she won't be around to see me turn 21. It was so close and it will not be the same without her here.

I do feel comfort in the fact that Nan is now in a good place. Her faith in life after death has been rewarded.

I am not a religious person, however I do believe that there is something after life.

And when it is my time there will be a house where I will go where my Nan and Pop and Mum are waiting for me. The smell of home and a good meal.

Rest in Peace Nanna, I love you.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie


Go you fucking socceroos.

Egyptian referee can suck the fat one.

Friday, June 09, 2006

It's finally here, World Cup 2006.

The world cup germany 2006 begins tonight when the host germany takes on costa rica. Regretably I will be unable to watch this game due to the fact that I have to start work at 8 tomorrow. I have been anticipating this event for the past 6 months and now that it is finally here I am looking forward to watching some world class soccer over the next month.

It is good to see that wizza has gone out and got himself a socceroos gersey and I think that I will have to follow suit at some stage and go buy one myself. I do feel however that I might have to get another players name on my back so that we aren't the Harry Kewell fan club.

Australia is playing Japan on Monday night and it should be a match that we can win. If we don't win then I'm afraid it will be goodbye to the socceroos.

I am also very jealous of Daw who as I am writing this post is probably in Germany enjoying the atmosphere that is world cup soccer. I am very, very jealous Daw, but know that you will be having one hell of a time over there. Good on ya mate.

On a completely different note I went and bought Empire Earth 2 from EB games for like 30 bucks yesterday. It is a fucking awesome game and if you enjoyed the first one then you'll love the second. I particularly enjoy building spies and getting them to sabotage enemy buildings and poisoning their town centres. It is great fun.

Well thats it for now so I'll see you later

Monday, June 05, 2006

To a life that touched us all

I am not going to get into anything hugely serious hear, mainly because I saw Raph as a mate you catch up with in pasing. However I did feel the need to express my sadness for the loss of a man who touched everyone who he had contact with. It is a tragic time, however the facts of life say that it was always going to happen, at least to one of us. Thats just the way the world works and I'm afraid it doesn't get any easier.

All I can say is rest in peace Raph, knowing that you had a great influence on this world in the short time you were here.

To some good news then.

The socceroos have done us proud and stuck it out to the dutch in a 1 - 1 draw last night. I stayed up and watched the game and was quite impressed by the way we played. I think I may have underestimated our boys and they may have more of a chance than what you would think.

It is less than a week to go until the world cup and man am I looking forward to sitting at home watching hours of soccer take place.

I hope Raph has booked a good seat up there to watch it too.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I'm seeing music

I have just finished watching the new episode of House, it was well worth the wait. Three things I liked about this weeks episode.

1. House on a vandetta to get back at an old college peer.

2. House fucked up on Acid/LSD, he saw colours and music.

3. House with a prostitue.

Is it just me or is House turning into a pill popping sex craved cripple. Oh, wait, he has always been a pill popping cripple. Looks like he just wants the sex now.

I love you House.

You make me feel happy.

Monday, May 29, 2006

We don't make bread here anymore

On saturday I found out some interesting news at work. They have decided to shut down our bakery department and make it into a cold spot (when before it was a warm spot). For those of you who don't understand the whole woolworths terminology here it is.

Hot spot - this is a bakery department that does all their baking on site. This includes rolls, bread, cakes, cookies, pretty much anything that looks like it hasn't been mass produced in a factory and is in crappy packaging.

Warm spot - this is a bakery department which does some on site baking, usually cookies and cakes, but no bread or rolls. This is what my woolies currently does.

Cold spot - no baking, just bring it in frozen on a truck and we'll chuck it on the shelves. We may still do doughnuts, don't know yet.

Now there is both an upside and a down side to this new system. The upside is that I will no longer have to do any baking and packing of stock which will save me lot's of time and because I am lazy generally makes my job a lot easier.

The downside is that due to the fact I will not be baking any stock, I will not have anything to eat while I am working. This means no cookies, no cakes, and (my favourite), no scoffins.

All in all though I think the upside beats the downside because I can always say that stock is damaged and eat it anyway, and I get out of a lot of work which I previously did.

This is not so good for the twp fulltimers whom I work with because they are now going to be put in another store and a part timer will come in to do 30 hours a week where all they do is order stock and put frozen stock out.

For the many woolworths mitcham customers however this means that there will no longer be a range of freshly baked bakery goods, and therefore our store will be known as the store with the bakery that has the not so fresh food people, with the frozen fresh bakery goods.


Friday, May 26, 2006

Sports injuries fucking you round, fuck fuck.

I am very annoyed.

Not only did we lose last night in soccer, but I also managed to fuck my ankle up again just when it was starting to get better from a couple of weeks ago. I was so pissed.

Anyway good news on the socceroos beating greece 1 zip in their friendly match last night. I must say that I wasn't expecting that.

In other news X men 3 the last stand is now out and it is a must see for me. I am hopefully planning to go see it tonight (you still up for it Lucas, bring that date of yours). Should be a good movie I think due to the amount of x men characters in it along with the big war between good and evil and all that jazz.

Now for my complaints. I am not happy with the response to my new segment entiltled,

Give ben 21st birthday ideas

By the looks of things I will be going with nicks idea to have a come as your favourite nude pilgrim party, although the fact that my birthday is in the middle of winter may not make it a popular choice. Although if it then turns into a massive orgy then we may be able to create our own warmth. Oh well keep coming with those ideas.

Anyone who wants to see X men tonight let me know.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Who said KFC is a good hangover cure?

Last night I went to Naomi's 21st at the Hyde Park Tavern. It was a really good night full of much drinking, and catching up with all the work crew both old and new. All I can say is that Craig you are one sick and twisted man, and I love it. The amount of fucked up funny shit that man said had us in tears for most of the night. It was also good to catch up with smyth whom I haven't seen in awhile. I went home to bed at about 12.30 (not a very late night due to the fact I had to work all day today). I awoke this morning in pretty much the same state that I went to bed in, Drunk. Well I wasn't drunk but everything still seemed to be spinning. Having worked for 4 hours I then had the craving for Junk in the form of food from our favourite Kentucky man. This probably wasn't a good idea even if it did taste so good on the way down.

I must also say that the upstairs function room at the Hyde Park Tav is really good, just letting you know if you are looking for somewhere to have a 21st (theres a few coming hey boys).

Going to a 21st got me thinking about what I should do for mine. Obviously we already know it is at my house on the 19th of August, however as fair as themes etc goes, I am undecided. I was thinking I might do something easy like semi formal but I can't decide. Thats why I've decided to put it out to the voting public in a brand new segment of this blog I like to call;

Give Ben 21st birthday party ideas (a very original name I know)

If you have any good ideas just leave them on the tag board. I my say fuck off to your ideas and just stick with my own so don't feel bad if you get rejected.

One thing is for sure though, there will be lot's of people, lots of booze and lots of partying. It's going to be huge.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Bone Timber back in winning form

Last night Bone Timber came out to some good form winning against Mark's team 12 - 2. This is mainly due to the fact that Marks team is in the B grade and therefore suck complete balls. However it was a win and a good match so we are not complaining. Nordy was of course the star scoring 5 goals however he is always the focus so I am going to give credit to Dutchy's two amazing goals, along with Timmy' hat trick and Sammy's two goals. I again however did not score. I had a few chances however they didn't come off for me. It has been awhile since we had a win so it was good to give a B grade team a good thrashing.

Not much else has happened this week. Tafe is still annoying however we are starting to get resources for our outdoor environment and putting plans together for what we want to put in it. This is sort of fun however I am still annoyed that I have to be here 5 days a week. One thing I have noticed is that some people/companies are incredibly tight arsed. Considering the fact that we have no money in order to make this garden we have been trying to get some free bees and donations from companies like paint supplies, bunnings and nurserys. We have not got much luck because all these compaines are fuck heads and won't give us anything. We have however got some free used tyres frojm bridgestones and some treated pine from a guy out of the trading post.

Well I better get back to begging for shit, seeya round.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

FA Cup blockbuster!!

I recently bought fifa world cup soccer 2006 for the old 360 and since that day my life has been considerably better. It is an awesome game.

Last night I went round to Ryan's to play some x box and man does he have the set up. Ryan (like myself) bought an x box 360 pretty much straight after it came out. He has also gone and bought himself a huge plasma screen for about 3000 grand. Now let me say comparing the 360 on my T.V to the plasma is unbelieveable. The graphics look good on my T.V don't get me wrong, but on a huge plasma screen with HD tech it looks so much better. We were playing fight night and it looks so fucking good.

In other words I need to get myself a big arse plasma screen, although it won't happen for a while me thinks.

In other news Liverpool beat West Ham in the FA cup final in spectacular form. After being 2 goals down Liverpool came back to 2 all. Then West Ham score an absolutely sensational goal to make it 3 - 2. Then around the 90 minute mark Steven Gerrard scored a thirty yard strike to put it even again and into extra time (you are a legend Gerrard). Eventually Liverpool won in the penalty shoot out. Fuck it was an awsome game from what I watched. Unfortunatley Kewell was injuredin this match and will miss the Socceroos match against Greece. Hopefully he should be right for the world cup.

Go the reds.

Friday, May 12, 2006


We lost again last night to the team that beat us 6 -4 a couple of weeks ago. This time they did even better beating us 12 - 2, us having scored the first 2 goals in the first few minutes. The fact that we didn't have a sub (dutchy, you've got some explaining to do) didn't help matters that much, and we ended up getting drilled due to the fact that we were all buggered and couldn't keep up with our opposition. I also managed to roll my ankle in the process, lucky it was in the last 30 seconds so it didn't really effect the game.

I am now forced to walk around with a limp and a fat ankle. I don't think I did too much damage because I can still walk on it.

In other news after much consideration I have changed my blog name to "Ceppy - Breaking it down". This is mainly due to the fact that I don't believe I have any fans out there. Let me know if you think otherwise. I am hoping that there is a country out there possible in south America who reads my blog as a bible of sorts (well I can only dream). I also changed my description to something less friendly and more to the point.

Well better get back to work, power point making is sooooo much fun.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

News update, we are within minutes of freeing the trapped miners, Oh wait sorry they haven't started yet.

It's about fucking time.

Having read Nick's blog I too decided to bitch about the miners in Tasmania finally being released from the earths grasps. Every fucking five mintues on all of the Australian television networks there was a flash to "Breaking News" which is more like "We already know from the first 300 times you told us news." I am glad that they are finally free, however I am more glad that I will not be subjected to watching news flashes every two seconds on the matter.

But wait.......

Now that they are free we get to watch interview after interview, and report after report on the issue. This is not over, believe me. This will get dragged on for months on end until the two men who were stuck in the mine get sick of hearing about it. We will hear about the court cases to sue the company for sending miners in there when it wasn't safe. This will go on until even Richard Carlton rolls over in his grave (was that appropriate).

Then they will release the mini series on the event, there will be merchandising, lunch boxes, T shirts, action figures, stickers. Play the x box game. People will make a killing out of this crap.

What has this world come to, will it never end.

I will say this, fuck going on big brother to gain your 15 minutes of fame. Go and jump down a fucking well and wait to be rescued. Thats how you become famous (Although you could be stuck in the well for longer than 3 months at the rate they are able to rescue people). These two guys are true aussie battlers all because they sat in a confined space for two weeks, good on em. If that isn't the true aussie spirit of sitting on your arse all day nothing is.

Well there I have said it. The miners are out (yay), and we can all get on with our lives.

Friday, May 05, 2006

The end of the first with much more to come

Well I have finished my first week of tafe once more. This term really involves me sitting around doing nothing because we have to be there full time when we really don't. I have got a lot of work done though and this does mean that I am actually ahead of task which could be a first for me.

Last night was a bitter disappointment at indoor soccer. After going neck and neck with the other team up until half time we thought that we were doing quite well. We were playing the opposite of their game which was to pass the ball round in circles. Our strategy as always was to stick to the man and this worked up until the second half. They then pumped on about 7 goals to our zip and won quite convincingly. It was mainly due to the fact that we were getting tired by the end however I still believe that we played better than the previous week when we only lost by 2 goals. I think our main problem now is that we need to put up a good offence and create opportunities. Oh well shit happens.

I have to work all weekend once again. By this I mean 2.30 - 5.30 tomorrow and 8 - 4.30 on Sunday which really isn't all weekend however it still doesn't leave much time for anything else.

Tonight is my only real relaxation night and at least I get to sleep in tomorrow.

Oh well better make the most of it and start playing some x box, see yall

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Ceppy, Telling us how it is. Volume 2

I would first like to start off by saying, Lucas that was a great rant and bitch session about celebraties. Lot's of respect man.

And now what you have all been waiting for, Ceppy getting really mad. Things that have been pissing me off over the past few months.

1. Channel 10. What the fuck is going on there. Lets do an Australian biggest loser so that we can all watch fat people running on tread mills. NO this is not a fucking good idea, if I wanted to watch flubber bouncing up and down while i ate my dinner every night I would go to a fat peoples freak show. Fucken people who feel sorry for overweight people are stupid, yes they have a problem/addiction, but they are still fucking fat because they decided to eat the equivilent of an elephants diet instead of a human beings. Fuck.

2. Again channel 10. What the fuck was with you not showing new episodes of House for about a month. Every week I would sit down to watch my favourite show only to find that they were ones I'd already seen. Fucken play new ones and stop fucking wasting my fucking time. Fuck, fuck.

3. Fucking angry motorists. I was walking with my group of people from tafe into the botanical gardens and some fucking stupid bitch comes roaring up behind us, fucking tooting her horn and fucking yelling at us. You can go fuck yourself you fucking slut, learn to use your manners instead of fucking yelling at people. Oh and fucking stick to the speed limit before you fucking kill someone. I hope you fucking plow into a tree and get crushed, it would serve you right you fucking bitch.

4. Fucking tafe keeping me there when I have nothing to do. Fuck off you fucking bunch of fuckers, you shit me, I can't wait till I finish this term so I can fucking piss on your campus.

5. All the fucking teen girl/star/singers. I hope you all burn in hell for making me listen to your crappy music whenever I get in a car and listen to the radio. Like nick said, Ashlee Simpson is a fucking whore living in the image of her big sister who is also a fucking dumb blonde bitch whore. If you actually had a song that didn't repeat the same word over and over again for it's chorus you might gain a microscopic bit of my respect, but you would still be a fucking annoyance. Fucking fuck fucks.

6. Dancing with the stars. Who gives a fuck if stars can fucking dance or not, fucking stupid people who watch that show. What is worse than this is fucking stars dancing on fucking ice. What the FUCK. I hope they all fucking slip and break their fucking necks, then they wouldn't be able to move let alone fucking dance.

7. Fucking public toilets being "shut for maintenance" when I need to go to the fucking toilet. Fucking I don't care if it is shut I need to fucking piss, next time I'll piss on the fucking door to see if they like that.

8. FINALLY, fucking people who write on tag boards abusing the person who wrote the blog. Fuck off Paul, you are a fucking wanker, stop fucking writing on my fucking blog and Wizza's blog. You have no fucking clue about anything maybe if you went to uni like some of us you wouldn't be such a pathetic excuse for a human being. Oh and yes we do know that passion pop is passion fruit flavoured and not strawberry, you fucking idiot, you don't even fucking realise when we are taking the piss out of you. Fucking fuckhead bogan.

Well I feel better now, so fuck off.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Lifes unexpected twists and turns really fuck me off sometimes

I am sitting at tafe bored out of my brains waiting until the clock ticks over to 4 o'clock. This is when I will be able to officially leave this terrible place and go home to my normal computer. This is the first time I have ever blogged on a computer other than my own. Not that it really matters. I have a feeling though that their will be many the angry blog from the computers at tafe.

I forgot to mention my saturday night out. This is probably because there was not much to mention. It was a good night out starting off at my house listening to old records such as Micheal Jacksons Thriller and the original 1979 War of the Worlds album (Timmy seemed to enjoy these).

When we finally got to town it was a bit of a let down due to the fact that there was no one around (even Modjo's wasn't its normal self).

So here I am still waiting to leave, I could be doing some research but I have already spent, most of the afternoon looking up info on both outdoor environments for children and domestic violence (two of the things I have to look up for certain projects).

I also have to keep a gay journal in which I write all the stuff I do and all the desicions making proccesses for our large group assignment. Basically I have to convert a dirt infested area into an interesting outdoor environment for children. I thought we might do a natural garden however this will definatley be too much work and cost too much money to do, so there goes that idea. Things will really fuck up for me if it rains on the day I have to present it and all there is is one massive mud bath.

I feel another Ben tells it like it is segment coming up due to the amount of things that are pissing me off at the moment so get ready for a lot of swearing and abuse (all the things we love to hear).

Well I think I might go sleep for half an hour and then go home.

Monday, May 01, 2006

These times, they are a changing

I went back to Tafe today thinking that it would be a cruisy term due to the fact that my timetable only took up 2 and a half days of the week. Thinking that the other 2 and a hlaf days would be consumed with me doing what ever the hell I wanted I was feeling pretty good. However this fantasy was shortly destroyed when I found out that we were being made to go to tafe 5 days a week from 9.30am to 4pm, even if we don't have any lessons we have to be there. What the fuck.

We also have to sign in and out each day to make sure, what the fuckety fuck fuck fuck.

So now I am annoyed, We do have a huge assignment to do as a group and it will take up sometime but I don't think that we need to be at tafe all day everyday to get it done.

My solution is to make tafe bearable by taking in as many things as I can to keep myself occupied. My i Pod and my current book will make a good start.

I don't know what this world is coming to when you are being held hostage at a adult learning centre. Fuck.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Trees falling in the woods

Tonight Bone Timber faced their first defeat against our A grade opponents. Our first big match up started off extremely well however in the first 5 minutes of the second half Inter took over pumping on 3 goals. The final score was 6 - 4. I am pleased to annouce however that I have scored my first goal for the season. Scored in the last few minutes, it was a bit arsey in that I just tapped it by the goalie when he was blatently expecting me to smack it in. This does however call for celebration and an extention to the weekly score update with Ben's season goal score. Believe me this is most likely to stay at 1.

Burning down the House

Finally after about a month of waiting, last night they finally showed a new episode of House. I sat and watched eagerly as it unfolded and I was not disappionted. I am not going to tell you what happened because if you wanted to know that you, like I, would have benn glued to your T.V. I will however say this. House after having been looked over by a board of Doctors over his practices now has a new boss. Who is his new boss you ask me. Dr. Foreman, how great is that, I love it.

So what else is new. Nothing really I am being boring and enjoying my last few days of holidays before my final term commences. I am still reading Dumbology so I will again leave you with a few stories.

Legal Goofs:

"A would be petrol theif got more than he bargained for when he attempted to siphon fuel from a motor home parked on a street in in Port Macquarie, Australia. He decided to siphon the fuel by sucking it through a hose but inadvertently inserted the hose into the motor homes sewage tank instead. The police arrived to see him throwing up by the side of the road next to a pool of sewage. The vehicle owner declined to press charges, saying it was the best laugh he'd had in ages."

"Iraqi terrorist Khay Rahnajet didn't pay enough postage on a letter bomb he sent in 1999 and so it came back to him marked return to sender. Forgetting it was a bomb, he opened it and was killed in the explosion."

"A pair of 78 year old burglars were caught red handed in Sao Paulo, Brazil, when the homeowners returned unexpectedly. The one inside the house was too deaf to hear the warning of his accomplice outside, and the lookout wasn't fit enough to escape."

"A Brazillian theif who broke into a church to steal a projector and a vacum cleaner was arrested when he fell asleep after drinking two bottles of communion wine."

"A 1975 raid on the Royal Bank of Scotland in Rothesay degenerated into farce when, on the way in, the three would-be raiders got stuck in the bank's revolving doors and had to be helped free by the staff. Undaunted, they returned a few minutes later and announced that it was a robbery, but the staff thought it was a practical joke and refused to pay up. While one of the men vaulted the counter and twisted his ankle on landing, the other two made their escape, only to get trapped in the revolving doors once again."

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Plain old fashioned fun!!!

Today Timmy and Sean came round to visit, this is what occurred.

Timmy modelling the new look in Russia.

Sean looking a lot like marge simpson

Put some eyes on and I might be an alien.

My god where is Timmy's head. He jammed it on so well we had trouble getting off.

What fun it is to put things on your head.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Rediscovering the world of literature

Today I went into town and walked around the stores while hails did her CPR renewal course. To my surprise I walked into a book shop to see what the wide world of literature had to offer. I spent about 45 minutes looking at a variety of books and upon exiting the store I purchased a couple of books (something I haven't done since I was about 8 when I got book vouchers from my untie and uncle for my birthday).

The first book took my fancy due to the fact I had seen the movie, I bought hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, all four of them in the one book. I am really looking forward to sitting down and reading this book. The other book I bought cost me 10 bucks and is called Dumbology. This book basically goes through a range of stupid things that people have done. There are actually quite a few funny things in it in a variety of catergories from the military, to sports to, politics.

All I can say is expect me to share a few of these stories with you over the next few months cos they are classic. So having said that here are a couple.

Military Errors

"The 1824 war between Britain and the Ashanti (part of present day Ghana) witnessed a display of supreme incompetence by Charles Brandon, the British army's stores manager. Surrounded by 10,000 warriors and running low on ammunition, the British redcoats ordered Brandon to break open the reserve ammunition he had bought from the coast. As the Ashanti forces closed in, Brandon unscrewed the ammunition boxes, only to find that they were full of biscuits instead. He had brought the wrong supplies."

"During the second world war, the Russians invented a unique device called the 'dog mine'. The idea was to train dogs to the underside of tanks with food and thus, with bombs strapped to their backs, to wreak havoc on the German Panzer divisions. Alas, the dogs proved unexpectedly true to their training, associating food with only Russian tanks, and forcing an entire soviet division into retreat. The plan was quickly scrapped.


Thursday, April 20, 2006

Bone Timber off to a great start

Okay I played my first game of indoor soccer tonight and apart from being completely fucked now it was great. I didn't score any goals however I did put up some good defence as per usual. Some great goals from sammy our up and coming star along with Dutchy and Nordy's efforts up front led to a 8 - 2 defeat over our B grade opposition. Timmy also managed to score a nice goal when the other team crossed the ball in front of their goals and timmy got a knee to it to knock it in.

I have also decided to add a score card each week to the blog so that you can keep up to date with our win/loss ratios. We've got a couple of tough games coming up so we'll see how we go.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A quote from a movie I watched last night.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our dark that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people don't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. Its not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsiously give other people the right to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Movie - Coach Carter

What do I have to do to get back on the team Sir. Young Sir you do not want to know the answer to that question.

Well, well, well. I never thought that the day would come but I am finally going back to playing sport on a frequent basis. By this I mean of course I am playing indoor soccer every thursday night instead of my monthly game of tennis (which is what was previously known as my workout each month).

Coming in to substitute for Matthew Borgas is none other than myself (I guess they were looking for some real star material and not some mediocre one). Nah just kidding borgas if I can live up to any of your game play I will be a happy man. Me taking up the game of indoor soccer does however mean that I need to go out and purchase some proper attire including shoes, socks and pads.

In other news how stupid are all the people who went to oakbank. I mean I had every intention of going until I found out it would be raining all day and thought, fuck that. Instead good times were had at Timmy's house, cooking a barbeque and watching Collingwood absolutely smash the Kanagroos. My beloved Port Power however managed to go down to the Dockers, sad times.

Anyway my plans or this week are nothing so anyone who wants to do something let me know and I will most definately be up for it.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Live in 3, 2, 1, 360!

After playing the 360 non stop over the past couple of days I have taken time out to transfer my exisiting x box live account to a gold membership on the 360. What does this mean? I can now play live on both my x box and the new 360, wicked.

I do however need to go out and purchase both the new live headset and a rechargable battery pack for my controllers. So they are still bleeding money out of me.

I also purchased PGR3 which is an awesome racing game and very realistic.

Easter is fast approaching only two days away and the day after easter otherwise known as the "let's go to oakbank, get drunk, and bet all our money away," time of the year is at hand. Of course this is exactly what I and my companions will be doing.

Well the 360 is again calling and you and I both know that no man can resist that so seeya.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

What is white, good in bed, and begs me to play with it every night?

That's right people I have finally got myself an x box 360. Now I don't have to say much however I will say this. It is possibly the best thing I have ever bought in my life. I took some pictures to show you the joy of owning the 360.

My little bundle of goods, I also got another controller with it, and perfect dark zero is a kick arse game.

The joy was unbearable, like I had won a gold medal or something, truley magical stuff.

Even sam couldn't resist getting cosy with our newly founded friend.

All I can say is that from my first 5 hours of experience this is quite the gaming machine and I look forward to seeing some great games come out on it.

Monday, April 10, 2006

What's wrong with sitting in front of the T.V all day?

I have finally finished for the term having gone in and presented my assignment to my lecturer this afternoon. She seemed pretty happy with what I had done and everything went nice and smoothly. I am therefore officially on holidays and I get the pleasure of having both uni and school holidays combined by having the next three weeks off, oh yeah.

I am going up to Whyalla for the night tomorrow to take my nanna up there and to see my auntie and uncle who live there. I haven't been up there for about 10 years and I am sure I haven't missed out on much because there ain't much to see in Whyalla (if any of you have ever been there).

Upon my return one of the first things that I will be doing is going to purchase a brand new x box 360. I cannot wait to get it and i am sure that it will provide me with much entertainment over the next three weeks. In the meantime I have to get some loving out of the old box and don't worry I will be hanging onto the old girl cos she's been good to me. I'll let my brother have a loan of it in his room for awhile.

Anyway the next time I blog will probably be on the x box and man will I have a thing or two to say about it.

Friday, April 07, 2006

And I'm free........Free falling

Finally I have done my last day at childcare. No longer will I be forced to go look after small children without pay and I have finally finished all five of my placements. All thats left now is to sit and write it all up over the weekend.

My field educator came in today and also told me that I had passed etc, etc. She then went on to say that Flinders is looking for new staff and that they want me to call them regarding a 30 hour a week job. I was like what the hell. Unfortunately I probably won't be able to take part in this due to the fact that I still have another term of tafe and will go to uni next year.

Anyway I am happy now and after monday I will be back on holidays once more.

Monday, April 03, 2006

An insight into all things me

Okay there is a new addition to the side bar of the blog.

If you look to your right below my links colum there are two new titles. Ceppy's Quote/phrase of the week and Ceppys song of choice. The quote/phrases are just things that I find on the net or anywhere else that I find either amusing, hilarious or insightful. Also just letting you know in advance these may not be updated weekly if I cannot be fucked doing it so don't go getting shitty if there isn't a new one every week.

The other (Ceppys song of choice) is my favourite song at the moment and one that I suggest that you get and listen to. Again this may not change all the time but I will try to keep it up to date.


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Engineers of the world unite

Okay so I am a couple of days late, tough shit.

Anyway on friday night I took part in my first engineering pub crawl. This is due to the fact in the previous years I have had to work early on saturdays. Anyway It was a very good night out mainly due to the fact that there was cheap booze and heaps of mates to take the journey with.

We began at Uni bar (well this is where we met everyone) and we then left to go to PJ's where they had all imperial pints of beer for just $4 (what a bargain) We had a few pints here along with some cocktail that borgas bought. Me and Sean then decided to leave the party to get some much needed lining for our stomachs in the form of Hungry's burgers. We then went to the elephant where we again started drink imperial pints of beers. Here sean met his match made in heaven a young girl of asian apperance about half his height. They got close over the night and I am still yet to hear whether anything actually happened.

From the elephant it was off to Church. We arrived at 8.30 omly to find that it didn't open til 9. So it was off to Mansions for a few quick jugs of cocktails whatever they were. We got more pissed and then Borgas and myself returned to church soon to be joined by the rest of the gang. More drinking and general carving it up on the dance floor took place here. We left Church at about 11 and went to find the boys whom we had lost e.g. sean, borgas etc. I don't really remember what happened. We were waiting outside the Richmond for awhile. Here we met Lucas, Nicola, Jess. We waited around because I managed to loose Sam at church because he was being homosexual in dancing to RnB for too long. We finally found him and went to the ballroom. Here I met up with my girlfriend who I lost after PJ's. Sam and I again went to the dance floor to carve up some moves and we began to hit the spirits. After a good hour here everyont moved on to st pauls. I had every intention of going in but began to sober up and decided to go home.

All in all it was a great night and you can be sure i will be going next year (making sure I get a shirt this time).

Sunday, March 26, 2006

What do you get when you have 5 engineers, 1 physiotherapist and 1 Childcare professional, One hell of a night out!

Last night i finally hit the town for the first time in about 2 1/2 months. It was a good night out and the sleep in this morning was even better. We started off from my house with myself, sammy, sean, nordy and wizza. We first went to the belgium beer bar however we did not enter due to the fact it was packed. We did however come away with Ravo and I decided we should go the the west end due to the fact that the east end was full of holden and ford rednecks. (holden's aren't rednecks just the fords) We headed to the Connel Light and had a few drinks however to our dismay they managed to run out of pretty much any type of spirit including my much beloved CC.

So we decided to head to garage at about 11.45 where we were forced to wait outside for awhile due to the fact the bouncers wanted even ratios of guys and girls (low and behold when we went in it was none other than a huge sausage fest anyway, fucking idiots). Anyway sam and I went to the bar and I bought twoo CC's giving the guy a 20 dollar not. The bartender givers me the drinks then gives me 36 dollars change. I was quite happy with that little gain of interest and bought the boys some drinks.

We stayed at garage for a bit and got our groove on to some laid back dance music (quite good actually) Sam and I took Ravo under our wings and taught him to fly (showed him how to bust a move or two). Meanwhile Borgas arrived and went straight to what he does best woeing the ladies. This time however he met hi match and tried his moves on a 33 year old girl. Soon after Sean decided to try his luck on the same girl with his usually approach of insulting the hell out of her (saying she looked her age).

We stayed awhile then borgas suggested we go to a little pub down a dark street. Our now group of seven followed borgas into the unknown (we thought he was going to rape us) instead we ended up at a pub called Emily something (can't remeber). It was a nice little place not busy and we talked to some people there one of which was a girl who was a huge PC. She brought some humour when she said she couldn't pick any of us as gay except for you pointing to Ravo. We all laughed. By this time the pub was closing so we were forced to leave and we headed down the road to APH. On the way we found some caterpillar mini steam rollers and we proceeded to jump on them to try and hot wire them. We were extremely unsuccessful even when we had 5 engineers a physiotherapist and a childcare professional all on the job.

So we finally made it to APH and ate some good pizza. We split up and caught some taxis home and that was the end of the night.

I look forward to going out again in another 2 1/2 months, YAY.