Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Don't get around much anymore.

So where have I been for these past 2 and a half weeks you may be asking.

If I told you that I had been on a world tour, it would be a lie.

If I said I had been feeding the starving children in africa and haven't had anytime to myself let alone post on my blog, that would also be a lie.

To tell you the truth I haven't really been doing much over the past few weeks. My life consists of me working every night from about 3 til 6 and my days are spent playing my much beloved Nintendo DS and X box, and watching some DVD's I have recently bought. These include some music DVD's from Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin, and the first two seasons of the OC, (Yeah the good seasons before the let down of season 3 which has recently been released).

Last week I put in my application to Uni, Oh God no, what have I done?

Let's just hope that I get into some sort of teaching course or heaven help the person I turn into. Yeah thats right, the shit will really hit the fan.

Work is really good though, I mean who can say that they get paid to play soccer and other games with kids. It's just not right, but I get paid good money for it. The only down side are the hours but you get used to them after awhile and its not like I have anything better to do.

Oh and for those of you who are wondering why I am not out at HQ tonight for time warp, I have a bit of a head cold and my hayfever is driving me nuts. Also I'm a bit over the whole time warp thing.

Well I'll post again soon I promise.

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