Monday, August 07, 2006

Moving on up, moving on down, moving on up, nothing can stop me, yeah!

Yesterday was my last day working at woolworths and I must say it was a bit surreal. Considering that woolwroths has been a big part of my life over a large proportion of my adult life it was kind of wierd walking out the door as an employee for the last time.

I'm not saying that I didn't want to leave because as most of you know I have been bitching about it pretty much since I started 4 and a half years ago, however the sense of purpose and security in my life for once seemed to be challenged.

Woolworths has provided me with the income to do and buy what I want and I always knew that I would have money. I have picked up other work at Mitcham OHSC so I will still be earning some money but it seems weird not to be getting money from woolies anymore.

The work was shit and the hours were crap, but at least it gave me a sense of security.

So I am moving on and I have a new purpose in life.

Having fun. That's right, finally I can enjoy myself due to the fact that I no longer have to work weekends. This means you'll be seeing a lot of me from now on.

Only 5 days to go til my 21st, look forward to seeing you all there.

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