Monday, October 23, 2006

Life as we know it doesn't exist.......Explain?

Saturday night was huge.

Three 21st birthday's to go to followed by a night on the town. I haven't been out til 4am let alone town for awhile now.

Starting off at Daws and catching up with him for awhile we then moved on to Nordys party at the Goodwood Hotel. From there it was on to Tristan's at the Hyde Park. All the parties were great so thanks for all you guys for putting them on.

From there we hit the town meeting up with Daw again at the Union Pub on Wakefield street. Hadn't been there before and it is quite a nice place to go and have a few drinks.

Then it was time to hit it hard. Sean Sam and I went to HQ. This was my first time at the refurnished Heaven and it looks pretty good. I especially enjoyed the music and it was really good to get out on the dance floor at a club (oh how I've missed it). The main floor was awesome playing a variety of current hits as well as the golden oldies.

All in all it was a great Saturday night out.

Sunday I went to the movies with the misses. We went to see Children of Men which I thought was really good. Basically the human race has gone to shit since they aren't able make babies anymore due to some epidemic. The only country still stable is England and they are getting all the imigrants from every where else. One chick gets pregnant and they try to get her to some centre known as the Human Project. It is an awesome look into what I think is an inevitable future for the human race (although I don't think that we will have a problem making babies). Michael Caine is great in it. He plays an old hippy who grows weed in his house and is stoned pretty much all the time. Great stuff.

Anyway thats all for now, let's see what I get up to this weekend without a 21st to go to.

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