Friday, May 12, 2006


We lost again last night to the team that beat us 6 -4 a couple of weeks ago. This time they did even better beating us 12 - 2, us having scored the first 2 goals in the first few minutes. The fact that we didn't have a sub (dutchy, you've got some explaining to do) didn't help matters that much, and we ended up getting drilled due to the fact that we were all buggered and couldn't keep up with our opposition. I also managed to roll my ankle in the process, lucky it was in the last 30 seconds so it didn't really effect the game.

I am now forced to walk around with a limp and a fat ankle. I don't think I did too much damage because I can still walk on it.

In other news after much consideration I have changed my blog name to "Ceppy - Breaking it down". This is mainly due to the fact that I don't believe I have any fans out there. Let me know if you think otherwise. I am hoping that there is a country out there possible in south America who reads my blog as a bible of sorts (well I can only dream). I also changed my description to something less friendly and more to the point.

Well better get back to work, power point making is sooooo much fun.

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