Monday, October 16, 2006

John Mayer! Meet Ben Hillier

The weekend was good.

Thanks to Nicola for a great 21st party, I think it was enjoyed by all.

I got up to quite a bit, the main highlight of the weekend was the purchase (by me) of a guitar. Yes thats right I am going to teach myself guitar. I must say that after a few days of practicing and just playing around I am starting to get the hang of things. I am sure I will be playing like a pro in no time.

I also purchased a new game for the x box 360 called Ninety Nine Nights. Basically a thrash em up RPG with awesome graphics and shit loads of enemies to slaughter. Lots of fun. I'm sure you'll enjoy this one lucas.

I also went to the movies with Hails yesterday to see the new release The Departed. Quite a good movie with the like's of Matt Damon, Jack Nickleson and Leonardo DeCaprio. Awesome story about two rats, one infiltrating the mob and the other infiltrating the cops.

Anyway thats all for now, below is a picture of my new pride and joy, what do you think Lucas, not bad for a couple of hundred bucks.