Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Tafe can suck my balls

Thats right

You heard it straight

I have just presented the huge project that I have been working on all term and have finished my last assignment for Tafe, EVER.

All that's left is for the lecturers to mark our work and I'll be a free man. All I can say is if I do not pass this for whatever reason,


I have had it, I am over Tafe, and I never want to go back there ever again.

So what lies ahead for Ben. Well, complete fuck all just about raps it up.

My plans were to go into hibernation for 6 months until I can start Uni however I soon realised that I am not a bear and no matter how hard I tried I probably couldn't sleep for 6 months straight, I'd get hungry.

I will however hopefully get a job at Mitcham OHSC and work there close to full time. This will mean I can quit Woolworths which has really given me the shits over the past few months and finally have my weekends to myself.

This also means that Ceppy the party machine will be out and about again. With all these 21st coming up its going to be great.

In relation to my 21st keep your eyes posted to this blog cos the details will be up soon. I will also send invites out.

Tomorrow is my last official day of Tafe if all goes to plan.

If things don't go to plan don't be surprised if you here about a 20 year old male on a killing spree on the news.

I mean it.

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