Monday, September 26, 2005

What have I got myself into?

Oh no I think I have gone and done something stupid, I went and got a girlfriend, noooooooooo. Just kidding Hails. It is an extremely weird concept me having a girlfriend but so far so good and she is one top girl.

This does however mean that I can no longer be the bachelor I once was and might have to actually get up off of my arse every now and then. Things I can no longer do.

1. Go out and pick up, make out and have sex with random girls (what the fuck am I talking about I have never done any of those things)

2. Can no longer live in my bedroom and never come out to see the rays of daylight.

3. Come onto my mates (haha, I never did that?)

4. Talk about one day having sex with a pair of twins.

5. Live life to the max with no care for my own well being (well I can still do that)

All in all I have lost my freedom as a man and am now the property of a girl named Hailey. But when she is as nice and good looking as she is that doesn't really bother me in the slightest.

What else has happened this week, nothing really, a very boring weekend involving me working my arse off at woolies. Not my ideal weekend but money is good. I am on holidays now and there is much to celebrate so for the next two and a half weeks I am hoping to be pissed twenty four seven and playing a lot of x box live.

Until I decide to post again, have a good one.

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