Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Crazy shit you get up to when you are drunk

Well I promised it and I always keep my promises, here are some of the pics from my 20th birthday outing. Now Timmy was kind enough to write a comentary on the pics when he gave me the pics so I am including this below (funny shit Timmy, funny shit).

Gday Benny,

Well here’s your photos mate, hope you enjoy them, and once again Happy Birthday! Looking through them its not hard to see that good times were had by all, all in celebration of one man who is unusually short, this man is you Ben! I know myself I definitely enjoyed celebrating your 20th birthday even tho you look only just 15, but then again if you were 15 we probably wouldn’t be drinking ourselves silly… well I cant be certain about that. Anyway highlights of the photos include the classic ‘Tim’s Beers’; a series of meticulously composed images celebrating the love that one man shares for such a magnificent amber fluid. I also enjoy the secretive but brash series of photos entitled ‘Emma, why can she not just smile?’, this poignant series really digs deep into the photographers psyche.

The series of three images entitled ‘Sonya can I do you up the arse?’ are a magnificent portrayal of the innocence of Betty; its almost as if he’s saying: ‘Hey I’m just a male?’. One subject matter that continued to arise was Daw, this mysterious man baffled us all with his eagerness to buy drinks for everyone! I remember a conversation with him that went something like this… Daw: ‘tim, you want a drink?’ Tim: ‘Nah mate I cant afford it’ Daw: ‘My shout?’ Tim: ‘Beryeeeeeeeeees!!!’. This resulted in Daw being $130 out of pocket at the end of the night… good times!

Humour was portrayed by the artist by capturing the extensive series of images entitled ‘Sam and Emma’. Although very unoriginal in composition; Emma and Sam were seen in each others arms for almost all the series, the images speak volumes in sensitivity and compassion. Speaking of compassion one image that holds a very dear place in the authors heart was ‘Howie and the Midget’. Yes Howie did hook up with a midget and it was indeed caught on film. Gold!

I think its best for both of us if we keep Dineens images in some sort of vault so that no one ever lays eyes on them, if his body wasn’t enough torture on the eyes, his women were… dear god…

The stroll through rundle Mall could not have been summed up better than the image ‘Daw urinating’, and ‘Wizza eating Hungry’s’. Unfortunately this was as far as the photographer goes with the camera, thankfully for some I might add.

Anyway Ben, as I have mentioned before it was a top night in celebration of a top bloke. Hope you enjoy the images!



and now for the pics with my comments,

Myself and Dale at the begining of the evening on the first beer (believe me it only gets ugly from here).

Francesca and Timmy the man responsible for this photo graphic evidence and comments (cheers mate, you made me laugh, multiple times).

One of the many why can't emma not just smile (it baffles us all young timmy)

And so the night really begins, one of many photos at the Elephant, doesn't look like Daw and Wizza know whats going on though.

I think this is my favourite picture (other than daw being in it) nah just kidding mate don't know how tanked I was here but trust me I am enjoying myself (I think).

I believe this is what Daw looks like when he is completely satisfied, that's right ladies this is Daws orgasm face (either that or he is really enjoying the music).

Break it down Howie, what a cool character and he is single ladies can u believe it.

Now Lucas what would your mother say I know you don't like Timmy but just let him take the damn photo.

Dutchy mate you are a sexy man, if I was a women or gay I would do you.

What a bunch of hardcore clubbers we are, the facts are that this is no club and the song playing is probably Britney Spears - Hit me baby one more time, aaaaaaahhhhhhhh.

Isn't young love grand, the sam and emma saga continues.

The walk down rundle street, every saturday when we go out it happens and the Hungry's makes it soooo much better.

And there it is one man a rundle street and his HJ's, it's a beautiful thing.

Timmy said it best about this pic of Betros and Sonya, what do you think, a bit suss if you ask me.

One of the many Tim's beer pics, this ones for you Timmy.

All round good night thanks guys.

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