Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Okay people do you ever wonder what drives us to do the things we do, why we get up every morning to do the same thing that we do every other day of our lives, and by the end of it it was all a waste of time. Well today was one of those day's. The highlight for me was the fact that i didn't have to get my lasy arse up at 7.00am to go to a morning lecture, instead i got to sleep in and go to an afternoon lecture instead. Even though i already new it was going to be a complete waste of my time and probably would have learnt more watching grass grow. Any way i arrive at my lecture room and me and my fellow colleuges are waiting for the lecturer to come, we waited, waited and the waited. About half an hour passed so i decided to check out what the fuck was going on. This was a bad idea because i was beginning to look forward to the thought of going home and sitting on my arse. So i proceded across to the office to discover our room had changed and nobody had told us (stupid fucking teachers changing thing to annoy us that little bit more and make us want to kill ourselves). We went over to the new room and the next three hours passed by with me counting each second until it was time to leave. Finally this day is getting good until god decided to have an impact and it started pissing down with rain. So therfore i got drenched on the way to the bus stop, again on the way to the train station, and then walking home. Fuck this. I have decided that life sucks and there is nothing that any of us can do about it. Even if you do have some good days there are always those few that really fuck with you. My advice to all of you is if you can aviod it never get out of bed in the morning because there is a 99% chance of 1. You regretting the day u were born
2. Feeling sorry for yourself and how worthless you are and
3. You wanting to find a cliff to jump off

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