Saturday, August 13, 2005

It's Saturday night why aren't I getting PARO

Alright people its a saturday night what should most people be doing well they wouldn't be sitting at home by themselves, with the a pretty bad cold just waiting for the hours to clock over so they can go to sleep and then wake up at seven to go to some bullshit i like to call work would they. NO i didn't think so, so in the ways of the snowman i am going to do a top ten of what Ben would prefer to be doing on his saturday night.

10. Catching up with the boys and getting completely paro
9. Going out on the town and getting completely paro
8. Going to someones party and getting paro
7. Going to someone else house and watching movies, eating pizza and getting paro
6. Sitting in a random park somwhere and getting paro
5. Going away, interstate perhaps and getting paro
4. Going to any sporting events and getting paro
3. Going to a festival or to see live music and getting paro
2. Playing x box with the boys and getting paro

and last but not least,

1. Getting paro in general.

Notice how everything i would like to be doing envolves me getting completely off my nuts. However when you have to work at 8 o clock on a sunday it makes this task quite impossible so i've said it once and i will say it again, fuck you woolworths. Ah that made me fell a little bit better but i still have to get up and work tomorrow morning. I hope u are all having a better saturday night than i am.

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