Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Condom advertisments

Okay people as you all know I am a guy and like any other guy my mind thinks about sex about every 20 seconds. It is always good to know about different types of condoms and new technology to increase "yours and hers pleasure".

I recieved the new x box magazine today from my father who owns a newsagency so we get them all for free, and i was looking through it checking up on the new x box three sixty and new games. I flipped over the page and what i saw was quite nice to tell the truth. In this magazine was an advertisement for durex featherlite ultra thin condoms. This wasn't what attracted my attention what did was the various pictures of naked women covered by see through sheets and a large breasted women riding some guy like a bucking bronco. Nice guys, nice, another form of entertainment from our friends at x box.

Now I am not saying that this is a bad thing because it isn't, it is good to see that the gaming industry are making sure they promote safe sex so that us males aged between 14 and 28 having been satisfied will roll over turn on their x box and play a game of halo 2 with some buddies on x box live. Then wonder why our girlfriend is pissed.

However there are a small number of young children who would also read this magazine and turn to this page and see this advertisment and might get the wrong idea, it is okay for mature males to see this sort of thing however if a 8 or 9 year old saw this crazy shit would go down.

For instance we would see young boys running around the place wanting to bone all the little girls because they have a durex featherlite condom. This is not a good thing,

but hey, at least they are promoting safe sex.

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