Friday, January 06, 2006

Doctors can be such dicks

Okay I just got back from the doctor due to the puffyness of my eyes (seriously they would act as an airbag if I was in a car accident). I went in there and told him that I had an eye infection i.e. conjunctivitis, He then proceeded to examine my eyes and tell me that I had an eye irratation and that perhaps it was an allergy.

Now I do get a bit of hayfever but from time to time and upon telling him this he said that it looked more like an allergy rather than an infection.

Now I am not a medical expert, however I have had an eye infection before and know the symptoms and what it looks like, and this doctor is telling me that I have allergies.

I then proceeded to tell him that I think it might be an infection because there was mucus coming out and that I probably caught it from Hailey's brother. He looked at me, ignored what I said completely, and went on to tell me that I needed antihistimin eyedrops and some telfast.

Now I could have gone to the pharmacy and got this without having to go the doctor and spend 60 bucks just to walk in the door. I didn't even need a prescription.

I fucking hate it when doctors give a wrong diagnosis and come up with something that makes no sense. Believe me this is not the first time this has happened. I went to the doctor in year 11 with a bad cough, he gave me a puffer and said I had asthma. Well the puffer did absolutely fuck all and a week later I was in hospital with bacterial pnemonia. What a complete fuck head. Let's just say neither me nor my parents were too impressed.

I wish doctors would actually listen to their patients more rather than pulling stuff out of there arse and handing out puffers like candy. All I can say is that these eyedrops had better work. I am sure they will because even these eyedrops should clear out an infection. If there is no improvement in 24 hours I will not be a happy man.

Fucking outrageous


jungle jane said...

doctors blow. you should have seen if you could have squeezed some meds out of him for kicks...

Nick said...

Dude. The guy with his pants down in the dumpster behind Woolies who calls himself "Doctor Hobo" is not a real doctor...

That, or you just REALLY need to change doctors.