Monday, February 20, 2006

A tribute to a role model in my life

Today at 3.15am my Pappa passed away. I knew it was coming and when my mom awoke me this morning and told me the news I was sad and relieved to see that he wasn't in any pain. I know it was his time to go and i have accepted that fact. It is still hard to lose someone so close.

The last time I saw him on Saturday morning I couldn't hold back the tears, it was too much to see him like he was. Then when my dad cried I was really put over the edge, I have never seen my father cry and something just triggered inside me when he did.

This blog is being posted so that there is an appreciation of his life, him being a loyal husband for over 50 years, a great father to my dad, untie and uncle, and the best grandfather I have ever known.

I hope that you are somewhere good Pappa. No one really knows if there is a place called heaven but I believe that you are there, looking down on us with Mum.

I am not that much of a spiritual person however I do believe that good people go to a good place when they die.

In loving Memory, Rest in Peace Pop.

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