Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Wristbands? Do they really make you look hardcore?

Okay I have a confession to make. Over the past few months I have become obsessed with wristbands. Don't ask me why but I think they look good. Now I'm not the sort of person who would buy millions of them and put them all the way up my arm so that my skin is unable to breath. I think one on each arm looks good and I don't know why.

Now I like the bigger type wristbands to the little thin ones, again I do not know why however I assure you I am not trying to imitate Ryan off of the O.C. Although he does look quite hardcore. I guess this is the image I am trying to portray even though I know no matter how many wristbands I have I will never be that hardcore, let's face it I'm just too nice.

Now it became apparant to me last night at the midnight sales that I might have some sort of addiction because everywhere I went I was looking at them. Luckily I was able to restrain myself from buying any of them.

Now I know a lot of my mates wear arm bands e.g. the small thin ones however I am really the only one who has gone to the next level and wears the thicker ones. I mean lets look at Lucas he has got some nice armbands that he bought off the net. Although they say things like I am a Jedi and sith lord (a little bit nerdy mate but I can appreciate them) they still look good.

This leads me to my next question, Do arm bands increase your chances of macking chicks? Well what do you think, they make a guy look hardcore, and girls seem to like guys who accessorise. I mean I am not using armbands to pick up girls because I have already got mine but for those of you who don't do you think it could increase your chances. Does such a small piece of leather/rubber draw the attention of every female in the room towards you? My answer would be no, but it may just have something to do with your chances. I am not saying that if you flash an armband at a girl they will fall weak at the knees and want you in a second, however a lot of girls do watch the O.C and love ryan so if you have one on they might see a connection and settle with you. Interesting thought.

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