Sunday, October 23, 2005

The stupidity of stupid people

Okay I went out last night with the good old woolies crew, hails and tristan. The night started off nicely with dinner at the ed then drinking at tori's house. I wasn't really drinking due to the fact that I worked all day today which was not fun.

The plan was to go to the London Tav, however by the time we got there there was a line to the other end of north terrace and the now abandoned heaven night club. Okay so you would think that this would be enough incentive to go to another place and enjoy your night. This is exactly what myself hailey and tristan did and we didn't hear from the others for the rest of the night.

I went into work today and found out that these stupid people waited in a line for 1 hour and 40 minutes to get into what is a really crappy place.


I am sorry but this is absolute stupidity and they all deserved to have the crap night that they did for being so fucking stupid.

I also found out that they only stayed there for about half an hour when they got in. IDIOTS.

Anyway I had a nice evening with my beautiful girlfriend and that was that. Also tristan got really paro and we laughed at his random muttering and bad co-ordination.

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